Natural Relief
- Flush it Away
When you go to the doctor for a sinus infection, he/she will generally prescribe a course of antibiotics. In addition, you might be given a solution to basically flush out your sinuses a couple of times a day. This irrigation can be found at many local drug stores over-the-counter. But, like all pharmaceuticals, it is more expensive than it ought to be.
To save money, irrigate your sinuses, and relieve the inflammation, all you need is salt, water and an ear syringe. Mix ¼ tsp salt with 1 cup of warm water. Fill the small bulb syringe and literally squirt it up your nose, if you think you are on the verge of a sinus infection. It is not exactly the most pleasant sensation. But, it should be repeated a couple of times a day, until the symptoms are gone. If caught quickly enough, it should help the mucus do its job, and save you a trip to the doctor.
- Straight from the Kitchen
Many of the ingredients for natural remedies for sinus infections can be found in the kitchen. If you are no into the culinary arts, it is still no problem. You might have to go to the grocery store. However, many of the ingredients will keep for quite awhile, in case you need them in the future. One such remedy involves horseradish.
If you have ever eaten horseradish, then you might already see how this recipe might work. You will need:
1 tsp horseradish
½ tsp olive oil
1 tsp lemon juice
By ingesting the mixture of these 3 simple ingredients, it will loosen up the mucus and help your sinuses start to drain naturally. Some people just swallow the mixture. But, for some people this just isn’t palatable. So, it can be added to a bit of rice or potato, in order to make it a little more pleasant to eat.
- Diet
Yes, there is that nasty 4-letter word. But, what you eat may cause and extra buildup of mucus. For example, some people have to cough, after eating ice cream. It is because of the extra mucus that has been produced. Unfortunately, other foods that are high in sugar can also cause sinus problems.
- Self-massage
Acupressure is the process of putting pressure on the area that is causing the pain and massaging. When you sinuses begin to hurt or feel like they are clogging, put pressure on the sides of the nose, right above where the nostrils start to flair out. Use pressure; massage this area. Also the areas above the check bones and below the eyes have large sinus cavities. Using pressure, massage these areas as well. Done correctly, it should relieve some of the discomfort and help loosen up some of the mucus, so it will drain out and take the germs along for the ride.
- Warm compress
Another one of the natural remedies for sinus infection is the warm compress with a special added ingredient. If you don’t happen to have one in your vegetable bin, go buy a piece of ginger root. Grate about ¼ cup and add it to boiling water. Go ahead and turn the heat down, letting it simmer for about 15 minutes.
Strain away the ginger pieces. Then, take a cloth and drench it in the remaining warm water solution. Put the compress over your nose and checks and relax. It should help your sinuses to drain, taking germs and pollutants out of your system and hopefully eliminating the need to go to the doctor.
When your grandmother or great-grandmother got sick, they couldn’t rush to the doctor for antibiotics every time their sinuses hurt. They had to come up with natural remedies for sinus infection. These are a few examples of using what you already have around the house, and in the kitchen, to help the body get rid of mucus, before it can harbor the germs for a full-blown infection. If you pay attention, and can treat sinus problems early, not only will you get quick relief, but you have a good chance of preventing the need for antibiotics and that dreaded trip to the doctor. You will regain control of your sinuses; they will no longer control you.